Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010
Titre Olivier Messiaen : the centenary papers / ed. by Judith Crispin
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Crispin, Judith : Editeur
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010
Type de document XV, 335 p. : ill. ; 22 cm + 1 disque compact
Langue du document Anglais
ISBN 9781443824989
Contenu Messiaen and his collaborative musique concrète rhythmic study / Marc Battier ; Qui vivra verra, qui verra entendra : Messiaen on life, death, serialism and synaesthesia / Mark Carroll ; Messiaen’s Transcendent Angels and the Ten Duino Elegies of Rilke / Judith Crispin ; Messiaen and Syd Curtis in Australia - Albert’s Lyrebird and Eclairs sur l’au dela / Syd Curtis and Hollis Taylor ; Messiaen & Birdsong : a consideration of avian dynamics / Michael Edgerton ; Des canyons aux étoiles... Messiaen’s rational thinking in the designing of musical form / Shigeru Fujita ; Messiaen’s Musical Language : Quatres Etudes de rhythme / Ann Ghandar ; Biblical Narrative and Musical Symbolism in Messiaen’s Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum / Martin Lee ; Messiaen’s Visions de L’Amen : issues in performance practice informed by the composer’s role as piano, organ and orchestral colorist / Christine Logan & Rodney Smith ; Olivier Messiaen’s Slow Music : a Reflection of eternity in time / Diane Luchese ; Messiaen’s Turangalĭla Symphonie and its Place within the Symphonic Genre of the First Half of the Twentieth Century / Rhoderick McNeill ; Stratification of Music and Symbol in the Fourth Movement of Messiaen’s Et Exspecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum
/ David Nelson ; Searching for a Star : Melodic, Harmonic, and Rhythmic Structures
in Olivier Messiaen’s O sacrum convivium! (1937) / Tim Pack ; Some Aphoristic Thoughts by a Pragmatic Composer on Questions Linking Music and Mysticism, with Some Special Reference to Olivier Messiaen / Larry Sitsky ; On Time and Eternity in Messiaen / Benedict Taylor ; Messiaen’s Dynamic Mozart / Po-Yi (Nelson) Wu ; Is there a story in Messiaen’s Turangalila? From the Romantic to the Ironic and Back via the Tragic / Milos Zatkalik
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