
Alban Berg and Hanna Fuchs : the story of a love in letters / Constantin Floros ; translated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch

Titre Alban Berg and Hanna Fuchs : the story of a love in letters / Constantin Floros ; translated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch
Auteur Floros, Constantin
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, cop. 2008
Type de document XX 145 p. : mus. ; 23 cm
Langue du document Anglais
ISBN 9780253349668
Notes Titre original : Alban Berg und Hanna Fuchs : die Geschichte einer Liebe in Briefen.
Bibliogr. : p. [139]-142. Index
Contenu The "matter of Hanna Fuchs" ; Inventory and chronology of the official correspondence and the secret letters ; Alban Berg's correspondence with Hanna and Herbert Fuchs-Robettin ; The history of an unhappy love ; The lyric suite ; "Whom else does it concern but you--" : autobiographical elements in the concert aria Der Wein
ID interne 74032
Cote Ae 13566
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