
Unfolding time : studies in temporality in twentieth-century music / Mark Delaere, Justin London, Pascal Decroupet, Bruce Brubaker, Ian Pace

Titre Unfolding time : studies in temporality in twentieth-century music / Mark Delaere, Justin London, Pascal Decroupet, Bruce Brubaker, Ian Pace
Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2009
Type de document 197 p. : mus. ; 24 cm
Collected writings of the Orpheus Institute ; 8
Langue du document Anglais
ISBN 9789058677358
Contenu Tempo, metre, rhythm, time in twentieth-century music / Mark Delaere ; Temporal complexity in modern and post-modern music : a critique from cognitive aesthetics / Justin London ; Rhythms, durations, rhythmic cells, groups, concepts of microlevel time-organisation in serial music and their consequences on shaping time on higher structural levels / Pascal Decroupet ; Time is time : temporal signification in music / Bruce Brubaker ; Notation, time and the performer's relationship to the score in contemporary music / Ian Pace
ID interne 62257
Cote Ae 14536
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