Liège: P. Mardaga, 1992
Titre Grétry et l'Europe de l'opéra-comique
Liège: P. Mardaga, 1992
Type de document 389 p. : fig., pl., mus., couv. ill. ; 22 cm
Musique-Musicologie [P. Mardaga], ISSN 1378-3939
Langue du document Français
ISBN 2870094833
ID interne 15317
Cote Ae 7633
Localisation Dépôt extérieur, à commander en ligne
Burlington: Ashgate, 2010
Titre Essays on opera, 1750-1800 / ed. by John A. Rice
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Rice, John A. : Editeur
Burlington: Ashgate, 2010
Type de document XXVI, 553 p. : mus. ; 25 cm
The Ashgate library of essays in opera studies ; 3
Langue du document Anglais
ISBN 9780754629047
Contenu The theory and practice of piccinnisme / Julian Rushton. Recitative and dramaturgy in the dramma per musica / Raymond Monelle. Opera versus drama : Romeo and Juliet in 18th-century Germany / Thomas Bauman. Mozart's operas and the myth of musical unity / James Webster. Raaff's last aria : a Mozartian idyll in the spirit of Hasse / Daniel Heartz. Galuppi, Tenducci, and Motezuma : a commentary on the history and musical style of opera seria after 1750 / Dale E. Monson. Ich bin die erste Sängerin : vocal profiles of two Mozart sopranos / Patricia Lewy Gidwitz. Mozart's Ilia and Elettra : new perspectives on Idomeneo / Paul Corneilson. Pamela : the offspring of Richardson's heroine in 18th-century opera / Mary Hunter. Human nature in the unnatural garden : Figaro as pastoral / Wye J. Allanbrook. From Nina to Nina : psychodrama, absorption and sentiment in the 1780s / Stefano Castelvecchi. L'arbore di Diana : a model for Così fan tutte / Dorothea Link. The sentimental muse of opera buffa / Edmund J. Goehring. Mozart in Turkey / Benjamin Perl. Oriental tyranny in the extreme West : reflections on Amiti e Ontario and Le gare generose / Pierpaolo Polzonetti. On the freedom of the theatre and censorship : the Adrien controversy (1792), Elizabeth C. Bartlet. Songs to shape a German nation : Hiller's comic operas and the public sphere / Estelle Joubert. Mozart's fee for Così fan tutte / Dexter Edge. How original was Mozart? evidence from opera buffa / John Platoff. Salieri's Così fan tutte / Bruce Alan Brown and John A.Rice. Die Zauberflöte, Masonic opera, and other fairy tales / David J. Buch. The Venetian role in the transformation of Italian opera seria during the 1790s / Marita P. McClymonds. Mayr, Rossini, and the development of the opera seria duet : some preliminary conclusions / Scott L. Balthazar. La clemenza di Tito and other 2-act reductions of the late 18th century / Sergio Durante. The absent mother in opera seria / Martha Feldman. Producing the operatic chorus at Parma's Teatro Ducale, 1759-1769 / Margaret R. Butler
ID interne 86918
Cote Ae 14408
Localisation Dépôt extérieur, à commander en ligne
Burlington: Ashgate, 2010
Titre Opera remade, 1700-1750 / ed. by Charles Dill
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Dill, Charles : Editeur
Burlington: Ashgate, 2010
Type de document XXVIII, 501 p. : mus. ; 25 cm
The Ashgate library of essays in opera studies ; 2
Langue du document Anglais
ISBN 9780754629009
Contenu Why early opera is Roman not Greek / Robert C. Ketterer. Staging an opera : letters from the Cesarian poet / Roger Savage. Dramatic dualities : opera pairs from Minato to Metastasio / Reinhard Strohm. Metastasio on the Spanish stage : operatic adaptations in the public theatres of Madrid in the 1730s / José-Máximo Leza. 'Le théâtre ne change qu'à la troisième scène' : the hand of the author and unity of place in Act V of Hippolyte et Aricie / Geoffrey Burgess. The Beggar's Opera and opéra-comique en vaudevilles / Daniel Heartz. 'His spirit is in action seen' : Milton, Mrs Clive and the simulacra of the pastoral in Comus / Berta Joncus. Reforming Achilles : gender, opera seria, and the rhetoric of the enlightened hero / Wendy Heller. Female operatic cross-dressing : Bernado Saddumene's libretto for Leonardo Vinci's Li zite 'n galera / Nina Treadwell. Of women, sex, and folly : opera under the old regime / Georgia Cowart. The castrato as history / Katherine Bergeron. 'An infinity of factions' : opera in 18th-century Britain and the undoing of society / Suzanne Aspden. Ignaz Holzbauer and the origins of German opera in Vienna / Lawrence Bennett. Heidegger and the management of the Haymarket Opera, 1713-17 / Judith Milhous and Robert D. Hume. Farinelli in Madrid : opera, politics, and the War of Jenkins' ear / Thomas McGeary. An 18th-century singer's commission of 'baggage' arias / Daniel E. Freeman. Staging and its dramatic effect in French baroque opera : evidence from prompt notes / Antonia L. Banducci. The Paris Opéra chorus during the time of Ramea / Mary Cyr. What recitatives owe to the airs : a look at the dialogue scene, Act 1 Scene 2 of Rameau's Hippolyte et Aricie (version with airs) / Cynthia Verba. Irony and borrowing in Handel's 'Agrippina' / John E. Sawyer. Classical history and Handel's 'Alessandro' / Richard G. King. Dejanira and the physicians : aspects of hysteria in Handel's Hercules / David Ross Hurley. Handel's compositional methods in his London operas of the 1730s and the unusual case of 'Poro, rè dell'Indie' (1731) / Graham Cummings
ID interne 86919
Cote Ae 14409
Localisation Dépôt extérieur, à commander en ligne
Regensburg: ConBrio, cop. 2010
Titre L'Europe baroque : Oper im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert = L'opéra aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / hrsg. von Isolde Schmid-Reiter und Dominique Meyer ; Redaktionelle Mitarbeit: Mathias Spohr
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Spohr, Mathias : Collaborateur
Meyer, Dominique : Editeur
Regensburg: ConBrio, cop. 2010
Type de document 255 p. : ill. ; 21 cm
Langue du document Allemand, Français
ISBN 9783940768179
ID interne 89581
Cote Ae 14667
Localisation Dépôt extérieur, à commander en ligne
Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, cop. 2008
Titre The opera orchestra in 18th- and 19th-century Europe : I : The orchestra in society / ed. by Niels Martin Jensen and Franco Piperno
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Piperno, Franco : Editeur
Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, cop. 2008
Type de document 2 vol. (XVI, VIII, 658 p.) : ill. ; 23 cm
Musical life in Europe, 1600-1900 : circulation, institutions, representation
Langue du document Allemand, Anglais
ISBN 3830514879
ID interne 70051
Cote Ae 13162/1/1-2
Localisation Dépôt extérieur, à commander en ligne
Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, cop. 2008
Titre The opera orchestra in 18th- and 19th-century Europe : II : The orchestra in the theatre : composers, works, and performance / ed. by Niels Martin Jensen and Franco Piperno
Responsable(s) secondaire(s)
Piperno, Franco : Editeur
Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, cop. 2008
Type de document 379 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
Musical life in Europe, 1600-1900 : circulation, institutions, representation
Langue du document Allemand, Anglais
ISBN 3830514886
ID interne 75544
Cote Ae 13162/2
Localisation Dépôt extérieur, à commander en ligne